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Programs and Services for the Corporate Client


HRCC is committed to providing individual and group services to our corporate clients. These services range from career transition training, coaching and support for individual and groups, leadership development, and organizational performance and redesign.

Our unique training and experience allow us to tailor our programs and support to the specific needs of the candidates. We make every effort to get candidates involved in the transition process as quickly as possible, to avoid lingering emotions surrounding the separation event, which can result in unnecessary delay in the person’s ability to move on with their career. Once engaged we strongly follow up with the candidate to assure that they take full advantage of the support available to them. Our commitment to this activity distinguishes us from others in the industry.

Our on-site program delivery is shaped around the work environments and operational needs of the client company. Much care is taken to understand the needs and objectives of the client, with agreed upon deliverables before the programs’ implementation. Achieving benchmarks and other needed measurements guide the program's success and structured follow up with affected persons is included in our programs.

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