Managing Career and Job Transitions
Live Workshops
Group interaction workshops are a very good way for persons below the senior leadership level to gain the necessary skills needed to management the career transition process. Many employers that are reducing their workforce size will provide such workshops to their laid off employees. These workshops are usually two (2) days in duration and cover the steps outlined in the career transition process as outlined below.
The ABC's Of Networking: a workshop segment
The following example video is a portion of a live workshops that HRCC conducts. This was an actual workshop presented by Mr. Reid at a Back on Track meeting in Coral Gables Florida on the subject of Networking. This group provides support to persons managing their personal and professional career Transitions. This group meets weekly at several locations in South Florida and invites leading professionals to speak and interact with persons attending these meetings. Mr. Reid has been invited to present before this group on several occasions and been well received by those in attendance.
Self Preparation and Presentation

Back on Track Earlier Portion
These workshops are highly interacted, allowing the attendees to get real answers and explanation to their questions and immediate feedback on how well they apply the skills learned. You can sign up individually or bring along friends.
Unfortunately, many people are displaced without this valuable benefit and are left on their own to try to manage the career transition process. Later in this section is a video presentation of such a workshop that provides an example of how these workshops are conducted.
HRCC provides these workshops to individuals that do not have corporate sponsorship. The fees for the workshop are designed to make them affordable for the paying individual, without the loss of any of the content usually included in the corporate program offerings. Because of the effort involved in offering these workshops, they are only offered when there is a minimal of eight (8), with a maximum of fifteen (15) persons per session. Much effort is made to provide as much individualized attention as possible during each session, making it necessary to limit the number of persons for each session. The content includes but is not limited to the following:
• Effective self-presentation
• Resume writing
• Understanding the job market
• Self-marketing tools and techniques
• Letter writing
• Effective use of internet tools
• Networking skill development and applications
• Interviewing skills and techniques
• Salary and benefits negotiations
• Search campaign closure
• Future career management strategies
Additional training sessions for workshop participants will be available in blocks of 2-hour individual sessions at a reduced fee. These sessions are designed to provide the individual client with additional coaching where needed, not feasible through the group workshop setting.
Signing up for participation in an upcoming workshop session is easy. Click on the link below to contact us for more information.